AOL Keyword Tool

AOL has released more than 20M web queries collected from ~650k users over three months (from March 1, 2006 - June 1, 2006). We'd like to present an easy web interface to analyze current data enhanced by most advanced stats.

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 Unique users

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 Average Click Position
nothing gold can stay 4 4 1
- 4 4 9
ruggles grill rice village 1 3 2
tom lehrer 1 3 50
death be not proud 1 2 6
love poems by vachel lindsay 1 2 8
john updike 1 2 127
ars poetica 2 2 1
the art of losing 2 2 1
a dream pang 1 2 1
death be not proud by john dunn 1 2 1
elizabeth bishop one art 2 2 1
criticism on william wordsworth's i wandered lonely as a cloud 1 2 6
she dwelt among the untrodden ways 1 2 1
second coming poem symbol 1 2 4
alfred joyce kilmer 1 2 10
the fly a poem 1 2 1
interpretation of the poem the fly 1 2 2
octavio paz poems 1 2 19
stopping by woods on a snowy evening by robert frost 1 2 3
poem one art 2 2 1
a supermarket in california by allen ginsberg 1 2 4
dulce et decorum est 2 2 9
what kind of poem is stopping by woods on a snowy evening 1 2 1
the panther by rainer maria rilke 1 2 3
wild iris by louise gluck 1 2 1
kubla khan commentary 1 2 1
ogden nash- the hippopotamus 1 2 1
poem if 1 2 9
ode to the west wind 2 2 9
tinker to evans to chance poem 1 2 1
commentary on god's grandeur by gerard manley hopkins 1 2 1
since there's not help come let us kiss and part 1 2 1
poem common people 1 2 6
a thing of beauty keats 1 2 2
robert frost and racism 1 2 2
do not go gentle into that good night 1 2 3
the second coming poem 1 2 1
the second coming 2 2 6
all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. 1 1 2
bavarian gentian 1 1 1
two impostors just the same 1 1 3
fern hill dylan thomas summary 1 1 1
loveliest of trees 1 1 5
dulce et decorum est summary 1 1 4
poems casey at bat 1 1 5
emmett till 1 1 39
sailing to byzantium 1 1 2
songe d'automne titanic midi 1 1 4
old ships 1 1 4